ISQ has partnered with Norbar Torque Tools to expand its fixed location and mobile calibration capabilities in Portugal.
The partnership will involve an upgrade to LabMetro, ISQ’s metrology laboratories, that are accredited to IPAC (Portuguese Institute of Accreditation), and will include a range of new equipment. The company has laboratories in both Porto and Oeiras.
The partnership involves an expansion to ISQ’s torque calibration range and also assistance in preparing for the requirements of ISO standard – “Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Hand torque tools” ISO 6789-1:2017 and ISO 6789-2:2017.
Working together for more than twelve months, ISQ along with Norbar’s representative and local distributor Drilco S.L., clarified the equipment needs, which ultimately resulted in the delivery of new powered torque wrench loaders, “TWC Autos” for the two calibration laboratories. In addition, manually operated torque wrench loaders for the mobile calibration units were specified and a range of torque transducers and calibration beams for transducer calibration.
The addition of three calibration beams offers ISQ a new capability to calibrate torque transducers from 0.05 N∙m to 1,500 N∙m. ISQ now intends to seek accreditation to add transducer calibration to its services.
ISQ has more than 50 years’ experience working in engineering, technical and regulatory inspection, metrology and testing, training, research and development and innovation.
LabMetro provides a range of services including dimensional, mass, acoustics and vibration, gas and flow and pressure. The company had an existing torque calibration capability, accredited to 1,000 N∙m in their Porto laboratory and 2,500 N∙m in Oeiras.
Juan Carlos Casas, Norbar’s representative, commented: “ISQ now have a superb torque wrench calibration capability in both fixed locations and mobile facilities.”
He continued: “The TWC Auto torque wrench loader takes the user through the data acquisition required for an IS0 6789-2 calibration in a most intuitive way. With this equipment, they have taken a big step towards readiness for accreditation to ISO 6789:2017. We are confident that this equipment will be a great asset to the ISQ laboratories in their desire to achieve accreditation to the standard”.
In conclusion, Januário da Torre from ISQ, commented: “We approached Norbar Torque because of our past experience using their equipment. Working alongside Norbar has been a great experience and we hope in the in future, through Drilco and the regional sales manager of Norbar, to solidify our relationship and develop more solutions that will allow us to grow in Portugal and beyond.”

Media Enquiries:
Tom Leatherbarrow / Gideon Casey
WPR Agency
0121 456 3004
Tom@wpragency.co.uk / GideonC@wpragency.co.uk
Editor’s Notes:
Norbar Torque Tools Ltd is the world's leading torque tools specialist. Norbar specialises in the manufacture and worldwide distribution of torque tools for torque tightening, measurement and calibration. The primary office and factory location is in Banbury, United Kingdom and there are also Norbar sales, service and calibration facilities in Australia, USA, Singapore, China and India. Other countries are served through a network of distributors.
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